Overcome intuitively your fear for standing in the spotlights

Overcome intuitively your fear for standing in the spotlights

Are you experiencing this?

  • You are reluctant to attend network meetings because introducing yourself or talking to new people is scary
  • Your clients are on Facebook, but you hesitate to post something. What will people say if they read your posts?
  • You feel that you are not good enough to raise your rates
  • You have been rewriting your website texts for months now and still, do not dare to put them online
  • You are invited to give a presentation to a group of your ideal clients. But you’re horrified to give that presentation, suppose they’ll laugh at you?

What is the common thread in these situations?

That is fear of being visible and fear of standing up for what you have to offer. While in order to get clients, you need to be visible and show what value you can deliver to the world. 

Discover why it’s so scary to stand in the spotlights and how to fix that

I can tell you why being in the spotlights is so scary, but I invite you to discover it for yourself. Moreover, you will receive a beautiful way to take the first step towards overcoming your fear of visibility. Everything, of course, in an intuitive way, much more fun than thinking or talking about it!

Caution: do steps 1 and 2 without reading the rest of the text, then your intuition works best! That is why there is a lot of blank space left after steps 1 and 2, so you are not tempted to read through.

Intuitive exercise to overcome your fear of visibility

Step 1

Allow 10 minutes time for this step. Grab an empty sheet of paper and intuitively draw a flower that makes you happy. Or look for a picture of a flower on the internet and print it out. Write down your associations.

Take an hour’s break. Do you have new associations, please write them down too.




















Step 2

Allow 5 minutes for this step. Grab an empty sheet of paper and draw a symbol that comes to mind when asking the question: “What is so scary about being visible and showing my qualities?”

Write down your associations.

Take another hour’s break. If anything else comes up, write it down as well.



















Step 3

Place the drawing of step 1 (with the flower) and the drawing of step 2 (with your fear of visibility) on the floor. Place an empty sheet of paper in between.

For the purpose of this exercise, the position of the flower drawing is called FLOWER and the position of the fear of visibility drawing is called FEAR.

Step 4

Step on FLOWER. That flower, that’s you in the highest version of yourself! With all your qualities, talents and wisdom! Become that flower, connect with the energy of this flower. No matter which flower you are, every flower has its own qualities, its own beauty, its own wisdom.

And know: every flower shamelessly shows its beauty to the world. So do that too! Because you are now that flower, show how beautiful you are! Let everyone enjoy your colors, shapes, and smells.

Step 5

You are still standing on FLOWER, you are still this beautiful flower, you are still connected to its amazing energy. Look from the FLOWER position at the drawing of step 2, look at FEAR.  

While you stay connected to the flower energy, you look at the person who is on FEAR as if she or he were another person.

You are still that beautiful flower. Look around you intuitively and let your eye fall on an object that can help the person on FEAR to become as beautiful and radiant as you are as a flower.

Place the object on the empty sheet between the two drawings.

Stand on FLOWER again. Write down a number of associations you have (still being connected to the energy of the flower) with the found object. Write those associations down on the sheet next to the object.

Step 6

Then determine – you’re still that beautiful flower – an action that the person on FEAR can do today to become visible with confidence and joy.

Step 7

Get off FLOWER and become yourself again. Look at the action and write down a reward when you have taken the action.

Step 8

Take the action and reward yourself!

Step 9

Did you do the action and would you like to determine the next action to be even more relaxed when standing in the spotlights? Restart the process at step 2.

Show your beauty shamelessly!

After doing this exercise, you have felt intuitively what keeps you from becoming visible and you know how to intuitively determine the best next step to overcome your fear.

Take the answers the flower gives you seriously and you’ll notice that you’re going to shine brighter and brighter.

Dare to be your flower! Show yourself in all your beauty and wisdom during that networking meeting, on Facebook, when you ask for your higher rate, on your website or during a presentation.

Just step into the energy of your amazing flower and show everyone your beauty shamelessly!

Want to share your flower, fears or how you overcame that fear?

Please leave your comment here below, I’ll always answer!

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Copyright © 2018 by Annie Massop | anniemassop.com | Nijmegen, The Netherlands | All rights reserved |


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