Free Workshop. Overcome Your Money Blocks, Intuitively!

Did you know that many spiritual entrepreneurs have a love-hate relationship with money?

On the one hand, they need money to pay their bills, on the other hand, it feels unethical to ask (a lot of) money for their services.

Subscribe here for the free workshop Overcome Your Money Blocks, Intuitively! It’s on March 7, 2019, 2 pm ET, 20.00 Dutch time.

That inner conflict causes that:

  • their rates are too low
  • they consistently allow their sessions to last too long
  • they become tense when they make their offer in a conversation or presentation
  • potential clients disconnect because they feel that you are in doubt of yourself
  • they are stuck in an unpleasant job because they are afraid they will not earn enough with their business.

Does the above appear familiar to you? Is money a ‘thing’ for you? Don’t you know how to solve that? Then participate in the FREE online workshop ‘Overcome your money blocks, intuitively!’

In this intuitive workshop, you will:

  • become aware of why you don’t earn the money you desire
  • learn how to intuitively solve your destructive feelings about money
  • understand how to attract more money into your life

In addition, you can ask me any questions about money blocks and how to solve them.

Why is it a good idea to participate?

This workshop is very suitable for spiritual entrepreneurs, who want to make a (good) living from their business and who notice that their attitude towards money is obstructing that desire. You are willing to do ‘uncomfortable’ things to solve these blocks.

Have you worked on your limiting beliefs before, but didn’t that bring you anything? Then join! In this workshop, you don’t have to ‘think’ but you will use your intuition. For intuitive people, that’s a much more effective way to solve money blocks.

The workshop will take place on March, 7, 20.00 Dutch time, 2 pm ET. The duration is 60 minutes + time for your questions. It’s an online workshop so you can participate from the comfort of your home.

Subscribe here for the workshop and receive all the details in your inbox.

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Copyright © 2019 by Annie Massop | | Nijmegen, The Netherlands | All rights reserved |