Who am I?

My name is Annie Massop, Business Growth Expert and Medium for visionary 6-figure business owners.

I live in the Netherlands with my husband. My children live abroad; my son is in England and my daughter is in New Zealand. I feel so blessed the internet has made it possible for me to keep in touch with my children and work with clients from all over the world!

I have been an entrepreneur since 2012, first as an intuitive marketing coach, money & time healer

and now as a Business Growth Expert/Medium.

Why I love this work (read my money, time and business story)

I felt restless

Over the course of my career, I have had an exotic mix of professions. I have been a vegetarian cook, a carpenter, an ICT manager, a sales trainer, a management trainer and more. I felt restless and could not choose where to focus my time or energy; I was always looking for a new challenge.

In 2008, everything crashed and I got very sick. I searched for the causes and discovered that I tried to solve too much rationally and I did not take my spirituality seriously. I also discovered that I was highly sensitive and hadn’t known how to handle my energy. I felt drained and couldn’t do the things I loved. 

Radical change

I chose to fully trust my intuition. With my spirituality now set as a top priority in my life and work, I changed my hectic lifestyle to a quiet one and made the time to consciously connect with other people. As a result, my health got better and I started my business as an intuitive marketing coach. In a dream, a spiritual teacher told me that this work was meant for me and when I heard that, I felt at peace; I had found my higher purpose. The restless turmoil I had felt for years disappeared. 

Spiritual world

My acquaintance with the spiritual world took place in 2004. My husband's deceased father reached out to me several times. I felt afraid and at the time, I didn’t know what to do with that, so I did nothing.

That changed in 2013 when my own deceased father appeared a few hours before my mother's death. He told me she was not well and this time, instead of giving in to my fears of the unknown, I listened and opened up to receive his message. I realized that the spiritual world has access to much more knowledge and wisdom than I did.

After this experience, I took several mediumship courses and started to give mediumship healings. These healings helped my clients to take scary, but necessary actions in their marketing. What they at first did not dare to do, they suddenly dared to do! E.g. instead of hiding behind social media, they would pitch themselves for speaking engagements.

Read on

My money & time blocks

Many of my client's fears were related to money and I wondered, “What about me?”

I have always made good money in my life with ease. But when more money came in, I would also spend more money until there was never any left. I also worked too many hours. Whatever I did, I worked too hard. So as result of that, my energy and finances decreased dramatically.

I discovered that the main reason for this pattern originated from my father. He came from a very poor family. My grandfather and my father had to work hard for very little money and were also exploited by their bosses. I did not know because my father never spoke about it during his life, but his brother told me later.

Energetically, I had received the message from my father, "You must always work hard for your money. You're an exploiter if you earn a lot of money in little time!" So I continued to work hard and spend every penny I made, even though I knew that wasn’t a wise decision. 

Healthy money & time decisions

After becoming aware of this belief and where it came from, I resolved these money and time blocks. I made healthy business decisions. I spent money consciously, chose a better business model, rearranged my tasks, hired a more affordable VA, and managed my time more efficiently.

The result? I have much more money in my bank account and I have plenty of free time.

Another radical change

On a holiday in New Zealand's bush, the spirits made it clear that I had to let go of my marketing business and focus solely on money and time healing.

I really did not feel like that! To end a well-running business sounded like madness.

What was remarkable about this is: shortly before I received this guidance, I unexpectedly received a lot of money, so financially I could easily make the transition.

I chose to listen to my spirits. I let go of my marketing business and started a new business as Money & Time healer. I felt that I had to work worldwide for experienced spiritual entrepreneurs.

Business Growth Expert and Medium

The most recent pivot

And the spirits made me pivot again! In a meditation, they showed me that I could focus on 6-figure business owners and focus even more on my mediumship. Now it wasn't that difficult anymore, it's an organic consequence of my healership!

So here I am: your business growth expert and medium :-)!

Do you want to experience what a mediumship business growth reading can do for you? Then request your free 15 minute reading here.