Aligned Abundance Report September 13 2017

The healing you received was a spiritual healing

That means that the spiritual world performed the healing and I served as a medium. I was tuned into your energy and into the spiritual world, my task was to maintain the connection between you and the spiritual world.

The spiritual world are spirits in the broad sense of the word, such as guides, angels, ancestors, natural forces, your deceased loved ones etc. Not only the spirits of myself but also of everyone who participated in the healing I asked to join.

Best results

You will get the best results from this healing when you are willing to change. If you are ready to live aligned with your higher purpose and take all the actions needed for that, the spirit world will give you all the money & time to realize your higher purpose.

Selfcare after the healing

Drink enough water after the healing, this healing can have a detox effect.

Report of the healing

Read this report carefully and feel what advice resonates with you, you remain in control!

I felt that healing took place on the generations that preceded you, so on your ancestors. A lot of controlling energy from the 3rd chakra was cleaned up.

Then I saw you standing between your ancestors and the whole crowd was sprayed with a kind of shower, a shower with beautiful rainbow colours.

The healing ended with an image of playing and spontaneous children. Very nice to see.

It could be that you physically notice something of healing, e.g. nausea or stomach cramps (can be caused by the 3rd chakra healing). If that is the case, please take it easy and make sure that you can express emotions somewhere.

What can you experience after the healing?

You can experience all kind of things (feeling relaxed or emotional or energetic). Sometimes participants feel nothing but experience the healing later. Take note of signals that occur later (you sleep, for example, much better or get a clear insight after a few days).

Very often people feel more positive about money and time, which is, of course, necessary to create money and time! It has also happened that money flowed in after the healing!

Anyway you will get aligned better to your higher purpose and become more open to receive money & free time.

Comments? Do you want to share your experience?

Do you want to share what you’ve experienced, do you want to know what the other participants experienced or do you want to respond to the report? Please react in a comment. If you want to stay anonymous, use an alias name.